Marijuana Growth Diary-The Importance of Marijuana Growth Lights
Hello everyone, our first Marijuana growth is still pursuing the first successful harvest. As you can see from the plants behind me, I planted some beautiful big flowers this time. Super excited to show everyone the preparations to get here and some of the battles we must face. I use Danlan cubes again as my growth medium. I just wet the small cubes and put the seeds in. No other work is required, and it seems that the seeds can germinate well whether it is using hemp plants or other plants. After the seeds germinated, I took the seeds out of the dark, moved them into a mesh cup and container, and then moved the plants into the light.
At this point, I provide plants with 20 minutes of direct sunlight and Marijuana LED lighting every day. Learning from my last growth attempt, I want to make this plant as small as possible. Therefore, I will rank the factory first. When I was three weeks old, my plant had developed four node or leaf positions, starting from the fifth. I decided to cut the main stem above the fourth node and remove the leaves and branches that emerged from the first node, which are usually smaller and weaker in appearance compared to higher branches. At this point, I started to train the plants with ropes to guide them where I wanted to go, and reduce more and more indoor plant lighting every day. Before about half of the third week, I had almost no timetable to turn on/off the fluorescent lights at 12-12. At five weeks of age, this plant begins to germinate. The reduced sunshine time in autumn is the main key to helping me bloom. In the summer, when the surrounding light was too strong during the dark period to bloom, I made some unsuccessful attempts.
During the early flowering and budding period, the plant continues to grow rapidly. When they appeared, I took the opportunity to remove all the leaves that looked unhealthy, and removed some of the lower leaves and branches buried under the plant canopy. By the age of eight weeks, the plant will begin to bloom. All my main stems have cola and multiple bud parts at their ends. The branches sprout from everywhere, where there are buds, which is incredible, and buds are growing every day. In addition to the pre-vegetative micro-growth and flowering of all plants, I also added large buds to the hydroponic storage as supplementary nutrients to help these buds grow as large and juicy as possible.
I have been waiting for the end of mybuds. One day, I noticed some small errors crawling on myclones. Until now, I have always hoped that my positivity and optimism would prevent the mites from breaking out, but inspections of my main plants showed that the mites were actually crawling on my plants. Once you know where to look for these little guys, it is easy to find them. They wandered under the leaves, ate the plants, and laid their eggs there. These bite marks are easy to see when spider worms sow seeds around the leaves. They all leave small spots on the leaves of plants, which can alert you to possible pests. After realizing that my worm lives on this plant, the war was officially declared, and now it's time to save my harvest! I took the plants to an open space and began to invade. I cut the branches and leaves. Anything I saw with a lot of mites was cut off and discarded.
After researching household products that can be used as insecticides, I decided to make a mixture of 9 parts water and 1 part alcohol and spray it under Myleaves. I can say that any mites sprayed with alcohol will stop moving after spraying. Although I think spraying with alcohol is effective, since then, I do have to conduct daily inspections of my plants. Look for mites and vacuum, or spray or cut leaves individually wherever I see mites. This brings us to the present, this kind of plant has buds everywhere, they are growing every day, and we hope to get a good harvest.